C’est Hip, C’est Hip, C’est Hop

C’est Hip, C’est Hip, C’est Hop

Finished this small piece. The results are satisfactory and I am ready to start the larger work for which this was a study. I was apprehensive about stylistically painting these masked figures with my technique (so heavy on facial expressions) hence the need for a ...
A Frame of Reference

A Frame of Reference

I needed to quickly create a half dozen wooden floater frames to accommodate a number of small panel paintings for display at The Green Room here in Lafayette. These were initially intended as part of two larger triptychs set into a couple of salvaged wooden door and...
Maybe I Can Paint Over That?

Maybe I Can Paint Over That?

The blank canvas- or in this case the blank panel. There is a sort of unbridled fear mixed with excitement each time I face one of these. It is an uphill battle and prime time for my inherent procrastination. Can I do it again? Can I do a better job of it than I did...
New Workspace

New Workspace

A second move within the Hub City and I now have a phenomenal studio space to work in. A first for me, that. I now lack excuses and hope to produce a bounty of great work. So many ideas percolating in my noggin. The challenge is my slow work pace / technique....
Shades of White (Linen)

Shades of White (Linen)

I currently have a painting (Shades of Red) at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art as part of the 2017 Louisiana Contemporary presented by the Helis Foundation exhibit. This past weekend we attended both the artist’s reception and the official opening the following...
Give us Barabbas!

Give us Barabbas!

Creeping towards the finish line. I had only a few late nights with which to work. Once the initial composition is painted, I will need to add half-paste washes to much of it to get the desired effect. I have most often left my figures in a sort of under-painting...