by CP LeBlanc | Work in Progress
I needed to quickly create a half dozen wooden floater frames to accommodate a number of small panel paintings for display at The Green Room here in Lafayette. These were initially intended as part of two larger triptychs set into a couple of salvaged wooden door and...
by CP LeBlanc | Work in Progress
The blank canvas- or in this case the blank panel. There is a sort of unbridled fear mixed with excitement each time I face one of these. It is an uphill battle and prime time for my inherent procrastination. Can I do it again? Can I do a better job of it than I did...
by CP LeBlanc | Work in Progress
Creeping towards the finish line. I had only a few late nights with which to work. Once the initial composition is painted, I will need to add half-paste washes to much of it to get the desired effect. I have most often left my figures in a sort of under-painting...