A Darkened Place

A Darkened Place

  The muse is fickle and she can depart on a whim in a puff of smoke just as quickly as she arrived. Thus the creative maelstrom is suddenly abated. One looks about a room at  pencil stubs, squashed paint tubes, sketches, works and even ideas of the mind unfinished....
As Time Marches Inexorably Onward

As Time Marches Inexorably Onward

Just about finished with this Rue Jefferson II. Prepared to dive headfirst into this smaller 24″ x 24″ painting. It took me some time to draw it out until it pleased me- and that is clearly evident by the many erasures. No matter as that will all be...
As In Slow Motion

As In Slow Motion

I push onward at a funeral pace. The holidays waylaid me with scant time to paint. Background now laid in fairly well. I debated again my commitment to a series of three paintings with the Rue Jefferson / Festival International motif. The progress evident on this one...
ArtFields 2019 Competition

ArtFields 2019 Competition

Stoked to be a selected as a participating artist for the 2019 ArtFields competition. My painting ‘Shades of White’ was chosen this year, in competition with works from across the Southeast. Historically, this has been a dynamite visual art event! More to...
Opus in Progressu: Rue Jefferson

Opus in Progressu: Rue Jefferson

I snapped a large number of photographs in the spring downtown during the annual Festival International de Louisiane. From these, I plucked out some of my favorite figures / characters and put them together in scale to create a new, unique image unrestrained by...